What is OPG?
OPG stands for Orthopantomography. It is a special investigation for obtaining panoramic radiographs of the teeth of upper and lower jaws.
What are its Applications?
OPGs are requested by Dentists, oral surgeons, implantologists, orthodontists and prosthodontists to evaluate impacted wisdom teeth, periodontal bone loss, infections, tumors, trauma and to look for cause of dental pain.
Is it Harmful or Painful?
No, there is no pain. Since OPG causes exposure to X-rays, kindly inform the Doctor or the technician if you are pregnant or if you have recently missed your periods.
Do I need to prepare for the Test?
No preparation is required for this test.
How long will the test take?
Usually, the tests take between 5-10 minutes of time.
When will the reports be ready?
Our aim is to provide you with the reports on the same day. In certain complicated cases, the doctor may take longer and you will be informed accordingly.