Privilege Card Schemes
Privilege Card Schemes
& avail Exciting discounts on every visit

Upon 100 authentic FACEBOOK Page Share & Likes – Eligible for FREE ECG/ XRay / OPG to any member of your immediate family
ENJOY Exciting discounts on each and every visit
Follow us on our "Facebook page" and be the 1st to avail periodic promotional DISCOUNTS of up to 20% & more upon special offers rolled out throughout the year
Click our QR code below
OR type our Short-Link:
PROSCAN Diagnostics Privilege Card - Terms and Conditions:
- Only Rs. 100/- is charged as registration fees
- This card is valid for 1 year from the date of its issue
- This scheme can be used with our 'HEALTH CHECKUP PLANS' as well (refer our website for our plans & packages)
- Upon 100 authentic FACEBOOK Page Share &Likes – Eligible for 1 FREE ECGorXRayor OPG to any 1member of your immediate family(Offer has to be utilised within the 1st month of availing the P.Card)
- This offer cannot be clubbed with any other on-going offers
- This PRIVILEGE Card needs to be presented at the time of availing the waiver/discounts
- This card is not transferable to any other individuals, but immediate family can avail PRIVILEGEs if accompanied by the card holder
- In case the PRIVILEGE card is lost, a new card can be issued against the details of the old one at the cost of Rs. 50/-
- PROSCAN Diagnostics reserve the right to vary or amend these 'Terms' from time to time, at its sole discretion
- PROSCAN Diagnostics reserves the right to terminate this scheme or any individual card, at any point in time without prior intimation
& avail Exciting discounts on every visit

Upon 100 authentic FACEBOOK Page Share & Likes – Eligible for FREE ECG/ XRay / OPG to any member of your immediate family
ENJOY Exciting discounts on each and every visit
Follow us on our "Facebook page" and be the 1st to avail periodic promotional DISCOUNTS of up to 20% & more upon special offers rolled out throughout the year
Click our QR code below
OR type our Short-Link:
PROSCAN Diagnostics Privilege Card - Terms and Conditions:
- Only Rs. 100/- is charged as registration fees
- This card is valid for 1 year from the date of its issue
- This scheme can be used with our 'HEALTH CHECKUP PLANS' as well (refer our website for our plans & packages)
- Upon 100 authentic FACEBOOK Page Share &Likes – Eligible for 1 FREE ECGorXRayor OPG to any 1member of your immediate family(Offer has to be utilised within the 1st month of availing the P.Card)
- This offer cannot be clubbed with any other on-going offers
- This PRIVILEGE Card needs to be presented at the time of availing the waiver/discounts
- This card is not transferable to any other individuals, but immediate family can avail PRIVILEGEs if accompanied by the card holder
- In case the PRIVILEGE card is lost, a new card can be issued against the details of the old one at the cost of Rs. 50/-
- PROSCAN Diagnostics reserve the right to vary or amend these 'Terms' from time to time, at its sole discretion
- PROSCAN Diagnostics reserves the right to terminate this scheme or any individual card, at any point in time without prior intimation